Breaking the build with K6 load tests
In 2020 I was picked to hold a lightning talk at NDC Oslo, were I gave an intro to the load testing tool K6 and how you can set up load test as part of your Azure Devops Pipelines
Terraform for Azure - Modules and Variables
A module is a container for multiple resources that are used together. This will let you group sets of resources in seperate files, instead of having all resources in the same ''. You can pass a set of variables to a module, so it can be reused with different configuration.
Terraform for Azure - State and Backends
Terraform needs to store state about the resources you have created or imported. The state is used by Terraform to determine what resources need to be created, updated or deleted.
Terraform for Azure Getting started
I've decided to write a series of blog post on using Terraform for provisioning Azure resources. The series will cover some more advanced topics regarding Terraform, but to start off here's an introduction. There is a lot of resources available covering Terraform, so I'll keep this short.
Terraform for Azure
Blog series on using Terraform for Azure resources
Event-driven Microservice Architecture
In 2020 I was picked to hold a talk at the Software 2020 conference. The talk gives an overview of event-driven architecture using microservices and messaging. I talk briefly on how to become event-driven even if your systems aren't, and discuss how a using a cloud-based message bus can help gradually moving on-prem services to the cloud.
Microservice-ish architecture with .NET Core and Azure Service Bus
Microservices, events and serverless are all trending topics when it comes to software architecture. This blog post gives a practical approach to becoming trendy. I'll show you how I've set up my microservices, how you can generate events from changes in your application, and how to combine services on-premises with services in the cloud. With Azure Service Bus binding everything together.